Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is What I Want to do With My Life

Over Spring Break ten fraternity brothers and I watched two seasons of the television show Greek. I got it from my little frat brother Tim Yopp. He's like Rudy - five foot nothing and a hundred and nothing. The past two Thanksgivings he's loaned me his copy of Final Fantasy. He has them all.

The seasons are divided into two chapters each, and Tim gave me three chapters. I thought I would just watch one; it would be a pain just to watch one. Instead, we watched all three then watched the last ten episodes online.

Greek covers the social drama of two fraternities and a sorority. Many things that happen are impossible in real life, but we did get many ideas for new pledge activities. More importantly, we all agreed Rusty could have done better than Jen K. We loved Max and we were sad to watch him leave, and we really want Beaver and Betsy to get into a destructive, black hole type relationship.

I got these DVDs from Tim because one of the principal actors, Jacob Zachar, who plays Rusty, read a script I co-wrote. He liked it and wanted to make it. So I thought I'd do some research. Little did I know I would fall in love. Tale as old as television.

Because of his interest, we're trying to kick up some fairy dust and advertise this project to investors. It's called True Love Sucks; it's basically a hipster Romeo and Juliet. It isn't what I like to write, but that made it fun. And it turned out to sound a lot like myself. Example: I've been asked to run a blog of one of the characters from the script. It's pretty much like this blog except instead of lying about somethings, I lie about everything. It's ultimate freedom. You can read it at

Final plug - we're trying to raise money through a website called Kickstarter, which looks like a pyramid scheme but what the heck I've always wanted to be a part of a pyramid scheme. You can read about our project and, if you so chose, invest in the film. It can be found at here at Kickstarter.

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