Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cribs: Little Kid Edition

I lead a bible study of sixteen year olds. They're getting ready to graduate 10th grade. For the end of the year celebration, the church has asked each group (divided by age, gender, and city) to make a funny video. It's a competition. I was sure we wouldn't even place.

Two days before the video was due, my guys called me. They wanted me to make the video for them. I said I would help them.  They wanted to make a music video based off a song from High School Musical 2. I hung up, and when they called back, I said they had to do whatever I wanted. That's where most of my friendships end.

We made a Cribs video at one of their houses. We shot it in an hour and a half; basically, we'd get to a room, they'd ask me what to say, and without thinking I would say whatever first came to mind. This is the result.

The part I was most worried about was when I say that my car (the Rocketship, which I bought used from NASA) had a dungeon that I keep kids in. I thought this would get the video banned. As it turns out, this was the youth minister's favorite line. I was told he showed the video this morning as an illustration of something in his talk (I have no idea what he could've been talking about). Apparently he even repeated the line, "Where I keep children."

(The original line was, "I call it the Rocketship because I took it to Mars one day when I was tripping balls on acid." The director called cut, and we talked and decided that was a little too inappropriate.)

My favorite line gets lost; in the bedroom with the trophies, Tyler Ho (the Asian - not Poomrata, who is the foreign exchange student living with the family of the house) picks up a trophy of an angel and says, "This is from my win at the X-Men Olympics when I used to have wings."

After he watched the video, my co-leader told me that I was just imitating Tracy Morgan. I didn't realize it at the time, but he is completely correct.


  1. Question, what 10th grader has Rick Ross on their computer??

  2. I can smell a Matt Bakke directed video a mile away.

  3. That was the funniest thing I've seen since I watched The Office two hours ago.
