Friday, November 12, 2010

Prepare for the Pankration

In a week and a half I'll be celebrating the fourth annual Pankration (Pan-krat-e-on, not pan-kray-shun; it's not a medical operation). The Pankration is a video game holiday that I made up four years ago. Since then it's grown to be honored by dozen(s) of people, mostly my ex-pledges in the fraternity. However, that doesn't mean it's not real.

For those of you who do not know, SPOILERS AHEAD. Like I said, the Pankration is a video game holiday, a gaming marathon from sunset the Monday before Thanksgiving until sunrise the following Tuesday. It started in 2007 when I decided not to go to class the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Now I'm extending an offer for you to be as lazy as me.

Ever want to be this man? On Nov. 22, you can.
(The name is Greek; pan, meaning all, and kratos, meaning awesome, roughly translated. Literally, strength, as in all-strength, but the Greeks hadn't yet invented the word awesome because they had yet to play video games. In ye olden days, the Pankration was an actual Olympic event between Greek city states, a wrestling match with three rules - no eye gouging, the fight ends when the sun goes down, and no Spartans. Spartans would never give up, so a number of them ended up dying before they were banned.)

This will mark the first time the Pankration has ever had an international following. I'll remain in Van, Turkey for the festivities. I asked off but since my department head couldn't pronounce the name, he said he thought it would be best if I taught my classes on Monday, which, since Daylight Savings Time, now end right after sunset.

Unlike the original event, participation is open to everyone, so please join in. The only piece of electronics I have with me in Turkey is my 2006 MacBook Pro - if I can't get my pirated copy of Final Fantasy VII to work, I'll be playing Knights of the Old Republic (both of these games would be in third grade or higher if they were humans. The technology in Turkey is sort of limited).


  1. Cass I will do my best to honor the Pankration this year and hope that, though limited as you are, your celebration of it will be awesome!

  2. I don't have any video games, but I will see what I can do!
