This year, Nathan Allen, an older member who looks Irish, taught the fraternity and our dates to waltz. It was almost violent. When you're spinning in a circle, oscillating up and down like a parabola, you can only see where you're going half the time. That means the other half the time you're traveling backwards, flying blind with no idea about what's at your six. I hit a lot of people with my elbows; not all of them were guys. I blamed it on my date.
Another new feature of this year's Reindeer Rendezvous was presents; instead of making shirts to commemorate the event, we asked all the members to use the money which would have gone to shirts to buy presents for children. That was both a good and bad idea.
Did you know that a nameless, No-Ad company packages two revolver type dart guns for only ten dollars? It's an amazing deal. This may just be a testament to how overboard Wal-Mart has gone with their Roll-Back campaign - I mean, we get it; you're a cheap store - but this was a deal I couldn't pass up. And since I was supposed to buy a present for a girl (no brainer: EasyBake Oven, 18 dollars ROLLED BACK from 25), I bought them for myself.
Last year my family had to spend Christmas with my sister and her husband on account of her pregnant belly. Don't even get me started on how much I hate babies. That's entirely too many words for this segment. But during the gift exchange on Christmas Eve, my sister's mother-in-law gave the same shaped present to my dad, my brother, my brother-in-law, Cory, and me. We opened them at the same time. It was a solid, fifteen dollar Nert blaster with a revolving barrel. Cool, but cool when I was eight, you know. I didn't really know how to react, since I didn't know the gift giver that well. Maybe she thought I was still in junior high. I thanked her and watched my sister unwrap her present (a paint set), until I saw Cory opening the packing with a knife. I didn't quite understand what he was doing until my brother got his gun entirely free of the package and flipped his recliner over to use as cover. By then, it was too late for Christmas Eve. The night devolved into a war that lasted to a point that surprised everyone. My dad shot my brother in the eye, point blank; he doesn't even like it when we play Halo.
The women had to go into the kitchen to drink tea and fluff my sister's pillows or something. I tried to shoot her in the stomach, but it didn't do anything. The baby still came out normal.
When my date and I got to the Rendezvous venue last night, I found that many other members bought the same two gun package. There was some time set aside to wrap the EasyBake Oven, but I told my date to handle it - there was something I had to do. Then I shot her with a dart.
These guns were quite cheaply made, and most of the darts were misfires, but the amount of guns present added up to hundreds, literally hundreds of foam darts stuck in girls' hair. A few pledges bought more expensive, on brand guns that, in the long run, won out over the Air Splitters I dual wielded. One buck had a Nerf sword. Did you know they made Nerf swords? My date does, because I hit her with it.
This was my last fraternity event as an executive officer. My tenure is finished at semester. Seeing a vision of my dad in transparent blue telling me to finish strong, I stayed behind to help pick up darts. I sadly threw away maybe ten Air Splitters that were abandoned. However, I found a Nerf shotgun that was bought as a present and laid aside, forgotten and unwrapped. It's now beside my bed, loaded and cocked.
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